Pitr DoSha

A 4 Weeks deep healing journey to understand karmA to be an opportunity, not a misery.

Ancestral Healing: A Deeper approach

Why this Program?

Any block is always in your energy. It only reflects through your mind, situations or people in your daily life.

As a human race, we are most probably the only species that has the opportunity to become what we strive to. The fact that we are the only species that can even strive and aspire to become anything.

Our possibilities do not have any limit. We can transcend consciously. What our ancestors knew we already carry deep within the intelligence of the body. When we use this intelligence consciously and with awareness, we are simply choosing to move beyond and achieve great heights as spiritual beings.

We facilitate deeper healings within our family tree for every single one, and through us. During these 28 days, you also understand how you are fully your whole family tree at any given moment. When you are already in such magnificence, isn’t it wiser to break open the shackles, dissolve the shadows, of your past and use the intelligence that you have inherited and start living as an individual free self?

Without the stuck patterns of your family, the wounds of your lineage? This is what this program is all about. And do it by yourself, being an active and conscious participant in the healing of your lineage and the process of your own growth. Day 28 is BONUS day and is available live only.


We are very well aware of patterns in the family. Anger, money woes, childlessness, early deaths or a certain disease that runs in the family and is inherited generation to generation. At times it's pattern so deep that everyone is already suffering from it but considers it to be normal. At times we don't even know what we have inherited because these days we far away from our roots and culture and aren't very connected with our elders. So surely we are missing the remedies that also runs down the family tree. This program helps you deep dive into your dna memory subconsciously and helps you identify the challenges. The best part is you are able to relate with all the stories that you witness during these 22 days.

A genetic disorder can simply be called. family heirloom passed on to you as the chosen one. I like to call it an opportunity. A true heirloom it is. It gives you tremendous scope to observe what exactly it is and transform it through you uniquely into an opportunity. How so is revealed to you gradually. 

I am not much of a believer in a spirit or a dark entity. I strongly believe we give a lot of energy to fear and fear mysticism. However, this fear memory runs in the family and individuals end up experiencing events that simply validates their fear. How it happens is all the tricks of the fine human mind that is capable of weaving stories so intricately that the same mind end up believing in it to be a fact. Remove the seed of the fear memory and let your mind weave stories of power, compassion, tolerance, faith, love, joy, happiness and possibilities. If there is a will there sure is a way. But when there is a way just don't be away. Harness the Power that you have inherited in your genes to keep you not just alive , but also healthy, in your favour by releasing the trauma memories that keeps fear latching onto you.

What is a property or a business dispute? An agreement that nobody agrees with. Why aren't they agreeing? Everyone has valid reasons of their own and are fully convinced they are right. From outside it may seem silly because if they agree and come to mutual terms, all will benefit. But mostly it's their ego that come in the way and stop them from coming to common terms. The property or the business and everyone associated with it carries deep ancestral trauma memories. Everytime the topic rises similar memories that they all eventually inherited comes up and never let anyone act reasonably. YOu know the difference between KARMA & DHARMA. It is compulsive reaction v/s Conscious Response.

Why is it that most people leave behind trauma and blocks while seldom people leave a legacy behind? Can we consider this possibility that those are the people who face their Karma head on. Consider the possibilities and operate with awareness and conscious choices. They accept the consequences and are brave enough to sail through the choppy waters of the unknown; are willing to go beyond their every comfort zone and take empowered choices. And others simply look up to them and at times call them lucky or born with the silver spoon. What is the legacy you are going to leave behind?

Generational trauma has caused most families to look for security over risk. Well what most call risk, I call it toughening the brain cells and making the nervous system resilient to deal with crisis like a boss. What is the guarantee that in spite of proper planning you are not going to fail? Let me tell you something frankly, DEATH is the only truth. It can happen any moment. When you aren't sure if you are going to make it to the end of this page why are you so sure about a safe future? Break the loop and pattern of need for security in your family and let life flow freely and create your own destiny. 

Something that is keeping you unsure about you and unavailable to life; something that you can feel inside but do not have a reason or logic to explain it. They won't understand right? They don't need to you know. YOu need to understand. And that's going to make a world of difference in your own life.

The Key Lessons & Benefits

It is only explained one on one. How attachment to negative self-talk destroys possibilities.

Awareness -  Acknowledgement -  Action.

Awareness followed by Acknowledgement followed by Action brings long-lasting results. This program will lead to conscious awareness and empower you to lead with courage.

This program has the power to drag you out of every and any parallel loops you are stuck in through your lineage & take you beyond your inherited notions. 

1. Recognise -  2. Realise -  3. Release - 4. Reclaim.

  1. Recognise, and identify your unique mind, and body type. There will be patterns known to you and those unknown to you, but through this simple yet deep process, you will be able to recognise them as being inherited. This program will then lead you to release the stuck quality and allow the free flow of the intelligence called life.
  2.  Realise. There are entangled useful memories that can be used and not removed. A happy memory got traumatised with an event that went horribly wrong. For example a party crashed by a bad news. A sad memory glorified & held onto because of the immediate attention it grabbed from others. These unnecessary entanglements are removed and the memory is made to use in the right direction.
  3. Release. Some few generations back, the lifestyle demanded we believe in curses, spells, vows, oaths and that remained stuck in our family line. Literal inheritance of responsibilities. Once you identify and release this property or quality, the response system will change and be more aligned with your life right now. The ability to respond thus will be more fulfilling and free.
  4. Reclaim. Replace the harmful & compulsive response with a conscious response. The term conscious is derived from consciousness. When you are aware you are choosing from freedom. When you are unaware you are choosing from habits and compulsion. This program will free you of your compulsive nature and bring you face-to-face with what you already knew deep down. Now you get to choose.

Program Workflow, Features & Content

Program Workflow & Features

Weekend Lives as per schedule for 2 consecutive weekends: 

2 Weekends -
Sat & Sun - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

The last day of the program is a live-only program as mentioned - no documents are shared & must not be repeated on your own without Kamalika's live guidance.

Worksheets or PDFs are downloadable. You can thus access & use them lifelong.

Dedicated journaling.

Journals/worksheets are downloadable or printable.

  • During the weeks of the program, nature walks/swimming/yoga is suggested.
  • Avoid mindlessly scrolling social media. Even do a bit of pruning who you follow. What content you consume & clear cache memory from your gadgets. Clear your closet & drawers. Free more space in your house & work desk.
  • Avoiding trauma-induced foods such as dairy, eggs, and meat. The lesser trauma you infuse externally in your body the better.
  • Avoiding coffee & limiting tea consumption is advisable.
  • Instead of wheat choose rice or once a week avoid grains & lentils & dairy fully and eat vegetables(salads without dressing) & fruits.
  • Drink more plain(room temp) water. Avoid soda, and alcohol.

You are given complimentary access to the full program for another 30 days to repeat it self-paced and recorded. To deepen the practice.

Post-program invitation to join our telegram & facebook group and practice live meditations with us.

Program Content

~see you inside Program~