स्थिरसुखमासनम् ॥Sutra 2.46

4 Months Of Target Based &
Goal-Oriented Focus
Can Put You 5 Years Ahead In Life!'

Journey to the Centre of YOU

You are not the problem. You are the Solution.

9 Reasons to Join This Program..

Reason #1: Intention and Perspective

Anything you do is because there is an intention or a deeper why to it. That is basis your deeper perspectives, which shapes your daily decision making and action taking. This Program leads you to Identifying your Core Values and Key Aspirations.

Reason #2: Body Awareness

How you perceive is basis how aware are you about your body. Deeply understanding and living with body awareness cuts out most of our trapped perceptions naturally, freeing us from stories and notions. Leads us to Gnyana, Knowledge.

Reason #3: Energy Bullets

A concept unique to heal with kamalika style of teachings. We train you to understand how your own thoughts and perceptions are ripping your visualisation and manifestations apart. So you can manifest with awareness.

Reason #4: Space Enhancement

You want to fix or upgrade your life but are you sure you have room left to accommodate the grace? Anything new needs free space and fresh energy, mental and environmental preparation to meet when the opportunity strikes. We prepare you.

Reason #5: Steadying up your Nerves

When you are pile of raw nerves, even a lucrative and tailored opportunity just for you will seem tough to handle and an absurd idea. Because deep down you cannot handle the mildest of pressure. We help/train you to steady your nerves.

Reason #6: Deeper Reset

You are already carrying stories from your childhood and impressions from your ancestors. We all are. This Program helps you go through a deep reset on the following factors - 1. Body. Mind. Whole. 2. Physical Wellbeing. 3. Career & Finance. 4. Relationship (interpersonal). 5. Relationship with Self. 6. Creativity, Intimacy, exploring self and expressing. Love Life. 7. Spirituality – Yogā(union). 8. Deep desires, dreams overall and Divine Calling. 9. Divine Calling – Service.

Reason #7: Maslow's Hierarchy v/s Purushartha

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological theory of Human Motivation. We Study this part but we practice the Indian Perspective and go deeper at the Creation, Sustenance and Abundance and Prosperity level. We Study and Practice Purushartha, i.e. 1. Dharma, 2. Artha. 3. Kama. 4. Moksha. We invoke Adi Lakshmi and take it from there.

Reason #8: Awareness. Consciousness. Integration.

Consciousness is existence. Awareness alone cannot bring any change in us. It is when we integrate our awareness with consciousness we change our lives. We learn this at a deeper level.

Reason #9: The Ultimate Upgrade

This is not just a self healing tool. In-fact this Program is beyond healing. This is where you go beyond the concepts of healing and start to Thrive. No more do you consider yourself wounded. You are ready for everything to be your support system and feedback.

The Step by Step Process

Step #1: Onboarding and Introduction - Week 0

After you join the course we come on an onboarding call within 7 - 10 days as per our(You and us) availability. We give you basic meditations to practice for the next few days as we create an energetic connection, a spiritual platform with intention setting to support your unlimited growth for the next 3 + 3 Months.

Step #2: Programs Starts - Live Class 1 & 2 - Week 1

The Day we start the Program is our Day 1 with you. From this day starts your 4 months into the program.
Class 1 Topic:
Introduction to a deeper healing, meditation process.
Intention and Perceptions.
Body Awareness.
Space Cleansing and Enhancing.
Awareness of the Nervous system.
Deeper Reset.
Maslow's Hierarchy v/s Purushartha.
Invocation of Adi Lakshmi.
Your personal Karma and Challenges - theory.

Step #3: Live Class 3 - 2 Full Days - Week 2

We expect you to take a complete off for 2 days. We absolutely recommend no interaction with family, colleagues, friends. This was already agreed upon our contract hence we expect no surprise or resistance. This is not negotiable. We plan, prepare and do a few cleansing rituals basis our topics. Therefore we need your 100% committed time. The Topics are -
1. Body. Mind. Whole.
2. Physical Wellbeing.
3. Career & Finance.
4. Relationship (interpersonal).
5. Relationship with Self.
6. Creativity, Intimacy, exploring self and expressing. Love Life.
7. Spirituality – Yogā(union).
8. Deep desires, dreams overall and Divine Calling.
9. Divine Calling – Service.
10. Anything you want to add.

Step #4: Live Class 4 - 8 - Week 3, 4, 5

Week 3 we come on 2 consecutive Live Classes to take up working on
1. Body. Mind. Whole.
2. Physical Wellbeing.
3. Career & Finance.

Week 4, for 2 consecutive days we take up
4. Relationship (interpersonal).
5. Relationship with Self.
6. Creativity, Intimacy, exploring self and expressing. Love Life.
7. Spirituality – Yogā(union).

Week 5, for 2 consecutive days we take up
8. Deep desires, dreams overall and Divine Calling.
9. Divine Calling – Service.
10. Your Choice of Topic

Step #5: Self Review - Week 6

As per a questionnaire this week you self review your progress. Backed by detailed journaling. Which you then submit to your coach for evaluation. You have an option to set up a voice/video call for 45 minutes for a general discussion about your self review.

Step #6: A fresh Approach - Week 7

Basis your review we Approach the same topics with a fresh perspective. Week 7 Day 1 is a 1.5 hours Live Call with your coach.

Step #7: Self Pratice Week 8, 9, 10

A Guided Self Practice. Journaling and findings submission to your coach, once a week. You have an option to set up a voice/video call for 45 minutes each week for a general discussion about your ongoing work.

Step #8: Week 11 and 12 Live Class

Your ultimate Life Purpose and Deepest Challenge Exploration. Deep diving into your constant conscious desires and unconscious beliefs/trauma that is acting in opposition with each other.
1 Live Call for 1.5 hours per week.

Step #9: Spiritual Guidance and Homework

We take a break for 1 week. Where you are guided to continue practising basic mindfulness with discipline. We come on a call on week 13 and basis our conversation your coach will take a Live Spiritual Guidance and share with you her findings your homework. Which will be the prevalent theme for the next 1 month. We will after completion of the 4th month come on a final closing call.


Improved Quality of Life

Aligning your mindset, perceptions, actions, desires and actions lead you to a pure gold level quality of life. Knowing when to engage and when to step back is key to preserving energy and use it in things that deeply matter to you enhancing your life experiences.

~Mindful Actions~

Enhanced Resilience

Mental resilience building significantly impacts better manifestations by fostering a positive mindset, enhancing problem-solving abilities, and promoting perseverance in the face of challenges. By developing resilience, individuals empower themselves to manifest their aspirations, overcome obstacles, and create the life they envision.

~Breath & Body Awareness~

Focus & Clarity = Desired Manifestations

Lack of Focus & Clarity is not the real problem. They are manifestations of a much deeper problem. Distraction due to aversion to discomfort. When you are distracted you are attracted(addicted) to things that give you comfort because remaining focused on what is important brings KNOWN DISCOMFORT - (as it is breaking your limits & boundaries, leading you to real success). Naturally, it reminds you of your shortcomings & the tedious daily path that you must take. Clearing the mental impurities leads you to manifest a life aligned with your Soul's calling.

~Meditation - Dhyana~

T&C for Awakening Program

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Let's break the human chain of stress together

become a Chain Breaker! Own Your
Life & Vision!

4 Months


Currently on 50% offer till 5th April

Original Price INR 320000/-

  • 4 months of the Program 
  • A Consultation Call is Paid because we deeply try to understand where you are stuck. We then come on a second call to refer you to our solutions, which is a Free call.

We are dedicated to providing value!

I AM Kamalika

My name is Kamalika Roy and I am a meditation practitioner with over 23 years of experience. I have also been trained in spiritual healing for 6 years. I have helped my self and many individuals through my meditation training sessions and workshops

“To Overcoming Negative Emotions, Anxiety And Overthinking.”

So, Join My Mission To Break The Human Chain Of Stress.

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~see you at the program~