Free Meditation Programs @ Heal with Kamalika

योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः ॥

Welcome to our monthly,
theme-based live & recorded programs.


  • In order to track the progress & lead you to deeper healing, we request you be open to joining our Telegram Group & Facebook Group (closed). These 2 platforms help us deliver content for free.
  •  Every month we do a new program and preregistration is a must. Post which all details are shared with you via WhatsApp(temp grp). You only have access to the temp WhatsApp group & Facebook recordings for 1 month. Then we move to our new program & you must register once more.
  • Please only join when you are able to dedicate 30 min every weekend & 20 minutes 3-4 times during the weekday. You will be required to do daily journaling for your own progress. It’s a free program, your personal commitment & dedication is of utmost priority here.
  • Please do not disrespect the decorum of the group by quitting midway. We won’t be adding you in future purely because you are stressing your body more by joining something this deep and quitting whimsically. We want the best for your body.

Sign Up Form

Sign Up for Theme-Based Monthly Free Programs @ Heal with Kamalika. This is only available if you are already a part of Telegram & FB.


An active group of meditators led by Kamalika. Daily tips, journaling cues, weekend live meditations & monthly Q&As are the key elements of this group.

Join Facebook Closed Group

All live meditations are recorded & shared here along with tips & deeper knowledge on meditation & mindfulness.

Post Registration Steps...

Thanks for your trust in us & becoming a chain breaker for stress!

1:1 Coaching

3 Months

If you wish to opt for 1:1 Coaching please follow the link below!

Free Program Terms & More Details...